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LPAG meeting - Summary of Regulation 18 Local Plan Consultation

A summary of the recent consultation and engagement for the Regulation 18 Local Plan consultation was the subject of the Local Plan Advisory Group meeting yesterday (8th March). A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

A presentation summarising all the activity that took place for the Regulation 18 Consultation was made.

There were more than 3400 individuals and organisations who gave feedback on several different policies within the plan and the next stage will be for officers to fully analyse all the feedback and to decide if changes and adjustments should be made to the Plan as a result.

The consultation ran from 2 November 2022 – 14 December 2022 and involved several drop-in sessions in towns and villages across the district supported by posters, a social media, radio and news-print advertising campaign. Online briefings with expert speakers were organised and sessions at local colleges and universities also took place to encourage younger people – who traditionally don’t engage with the Local Plan process – to get involved and have their voices heard.

The next stage is to analyse all the feedback from the consultation and this will then be presented back to the Local Plan Advisory Group and Cabinet and Council at a later date.  Any proposed changes that result from the consultation will be subject to a sustainability appraisal and Local Plan Viability Assessment before being consulted on again at the Regulation 19 consultation.

Page last updated: Thursday 9 March 2023