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Cabinet meeting - SHELAA 2023 and Revised Community Infrastructure Levy Strategy

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 2023

On 18th June the Cabinet agreed that the SHELAA 2023 should be approved and published as part of the evidence for the new Local Plan. The SHELAA was updated following the Regulation 18 consultation to include any new sites, amendments and removed any sites that were no longer being promoted.

The SHELAA is a register of sites that the council has been advised could be potentially available for development. The SHELAA does not allocate sites for development and the inclusion of a site in the SHELAA does not imply that the councils would necessarily grant planning permission.

The full SHELAA report and associated maps can be viewed here.

Revised Community Infrastructure Levy Strategy

Following a review of the protocol for the allocation and the spending of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to support larger strategic infrastructure projects within the district, on Tuesday 18th July, Cabinet agreed several changes to the way that the city council allocates CIL funding to various projects across the district. These included ring-fencing the CIL funds (bar that for administering the fund) retained by the city council into three separate pots, firstly to support Hampshire County Council Infrastructure projects (30%), secondly to support community and health projects(10%), and thirdly to support city council led projects (60%).

In addition to the review of how CIL funds are allocated to support larger infrastructure projects, the criteria for the assessment of projects to be supported using CIL was also refreshed to reflect the priorities of the Council Plan. The refreshed criteria will be applied to the bids for CIL funding received from Parish/Town Councils and other community groups as well as those being progressed by the county and city council to ensure that CIL continues to support infrastructure schemes where development is taking place, as well as reflecting the priorities of the Council Plan.

The full report can be accessed here.

Page last updated: Wednesday 26 July 2023